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In risposta alle molteplici e particolari richieste dei clienti abbiamo sviluppato corsi su argomenti specifici relativi allo sviluppo e verifica dei dispositivi elettronici.

Corsi progettati dal nostro Centro di formazione offerto da personale qualificato, sia sul piano operativo che specialistico.

Scopri i nostri corsi
Designing PCBs considering Signal and Power Integrity
The course deals with the specific issues of high-speed PCB projects. Starting from the theory that regulates the principles of signal transmission and power distribution we underline the importance of the positioning of the components rather than the coupling between the tracks, the stackup, the distribution of the power supplies and we demonstrate how everything can influence the integrity of the Signal and the electromagnetic emissions.
Designing PCBs from a Design For eXcellence (DfX) perspective: Considerations, Methodologies, Terminology, Standards
Design for Excellence (DfX) is based on the concept that “all start from design”  hence optimizing the initial step (the design) it is much better to get off to a good start than to solve problems later.